Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
for 1RD time, Not at "WORK" as w/ "upday"
I have little or no noos on "Harvest Moon": Tree OF Tranquilitee. However, my friend for admiral does. I have been in interest for marriage as with "OWEN" aka sun of BlackSmith. However, I do not no him well.
Also, I have been in attempts to break rock's and tree's to create tools for building's of chicken "cope".
Other noos;
"Applebee"'s was fun last week and I went x2. On thursday I was of eatings with the ... hmm.... wat did I eet? Idk...... Oh ya!! Chicken kaysadeeyas!!! Mmm Mmmm Mmmm. The next nite I was as with the mango shake, but the qualitee was unlike those of costa Rica shakes. :'( :"(
I also have been as with work's at both "STC" and "Bath & body Work"'s. Both are not two bads.
AS FOR WORKS I have women who needs my helps on Sunday nights, she is older as with maybe over 40 years, idk. Upon knowing I have love for boyfran Neal, who is as with works also on nite of the same day, she preceeds to ask me how she May meet men, those who are not "dirtbag's" or of simmelare tipe. I say, I do not no. Sry!!! She has 'ok thank for help NEWAY now wat is deffirance between DELTE, BACKSPCE, AND ENTER??!?!!!!?!?!?! lolol.
UPDAY: JEN HAS SAHMON AS FOR DARRENS RANEBOE!!!!! Also Jen has almost been "boned" as with Luke.
In other days, the Show of TV witch I enjoi is HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER'S but it is on TV tonite?????? good!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
As with "Blog", for People, by "Blog"!

Hai "World":
As with "Blog" I hav sum 4-1-1 (informations!) to be with shared.
"A": "Blog" as seen hear is for all Persons on Earth (no aliens plz).
B": Seen with "Blog" is "profile" to be included as with "4-1-1" on my werld.
My Life as of late Times:
I have been to such great place as Wayne Hall, "Game Stop" and also to have been seen in classes. My classes, not so much have bean fun. Werk, work, and "assinement" to be in as with class. *SiGhZ*
As with "Game Stop" (same as with the chains you may know from local video games and computer games as well as DVD's purchased here my boyfran Neal is as with an employment with said cooperation). I have been inclined for past month (maybe two?????) to be in ownership of game purchased one day in the past at "Game Stop" named "Harvest Moon": Tree of Tranquility. To be with time for playing, I find difficulty; my classes have my life under control!!!!!!!!! (When will they end?!?!?! lol! NEway so I play "Harvest Moon" and I am young girl as with any name I choose I took my own (Lauren) and I moved to an island by boat with a captain who was 2 cool where I began work on "Sueflay Farm " - the best part of about this videogame is so that the names have cute titles as with sweets and other candies or food products. I will tell you to bye such game as "Harvest Moon" their are other titles such as "Animal Crossings" and "Viva Pinata"! and they have similar ideas but vary with enormity during gameplay so I will continue to share informations (thats 4-1-1!) on "Harvest Moons". NEWay I was playing such game as living on farm, making money bye pulling weeds and growing such GIANT strawberry's that I got my own ranch!!! This ranch can be named a number of different things that you yourself think up on your own! Such fun, I named my Moonies by my bff Jennifer had foresite to name her ranch "admiral" in signifigance of our friend-ship! Lol! NEWay I haven't been able to be as with playing this game too often bc of commitments to my study's but I cannot wait until the weekend when I have days to plays!!!!
Plz go out to your near "Game Stop" and be with this game of "Harvest Moon":Tree of Tranquility for any Nintendo Wii gameing system as-ap.
Below you will be able to view pik as such from game but not one from where I played sadly, I am nto with birde of riding yet. I have gone to such website as to come across such page as to be able to enjoy and share itno such a momentual pic as one seen below:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
"X-" Mas
Also, I have been to town of Red Bank last night and have seen the speech of "director", "actor", and "author of movies", Kevin Smith. The funnyiness was, may I be with such words as, unperpindiculared.
For such other "NEWS" I have problems as with "VISA CHASE AOL" credit card. My "account" is as with a hold.
For such "X-" Mas plz b to get me 1. a "HP" laptop 2. bowls c. cOlD hArD cA$H babyyyyyyyyy lolz!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I have welcome's for You.
This "blog" is about boyfran Neal, admiral friend Jessica/Jen, and OTHERS. In short, is my life.