haven,t been "round" much late bc I got new hampster n' she is so busy i hardley have time for Blog but she is sleep now so i am typing very, VERY, quietley.
#1 My name is Lauren!.
#2 I am current to be "college" student in major's of Hestory (MORE LIKE HER-STORY) and "Latin-American" Study's.
#3 I live in small town in NJ. That's NEW JERSEY. I pump my gas not my bitch, fistes.
#4. I enjoy for bean on "Internet" but I do not now how to do all work's on it yet.
#5. I will except donation's for my Blog. Pls contact me for more Information on how to do so donated.
#6. I hav boif name Neal. He is my every-thing and One Day we are going to Marry.
#7. I hav vary close friend's who our always their fo rme wen I need/ask.
#8. My face thing's to do are go out to eat at Restaurant (Wayne Hill's Dinner, Ihop, Denny's, Red Lobster, CIP, Applebees, Chicken "and" Rice, etc).
#9 I hope one day to be Pregnant maybe 4 time's.
#10. When I right in my Blog, I have to be careful bc I now thet One Day a job may find me here. Noone on Internet is save.
#11 If u sea this and want to follow me, pls do! I am always "looking" for new Friends, ESP on Internet.
#12 I also <3 answers.yahoo.com and my naame there is same as here -- sohavewe